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Report On Business® Roundup November Services PMI®商业报告®11月服务业综合PMI®Article by Dan Zeiger, from ISM website

Last month, this space discussed how the Services ISM® Report On Business® impacts overall economic sentiment, since the data covers the sector that employs most Americans and makes up an overwhelming share of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP).

上个月,本专栏讨论了服务业ISM®商业报告®如何影响整体经济情绪,因为该数据涵盖了雇佣大多数美国人的行业,并占美国国内生产总值(GDP)的绝大多数That dynamic, for good and bad, played out again on Monday with the release of the Services PMI® for November, which exceeded analysts’ expectations with a composite index reading of 56.5 percent. While that figure indicated strong growth and boosted hopes that services could carry a contracting manufacturing sector and help stave off a recession, the data was too positive for some financial markets, which continue to have interest-rate unease.。


ISM services at 56.5 compared to expectations of 53.3ISM服务为56.5,预期为53.3Did Powell mini-pivot too early?

鲍威尔迷你转向太早了吗?— AndreasStenoLarsen (@AndreasSteno) December 5, 2022-AndreasStenoLarsen(@AndreasSteno)2022年12月5日

While business activity and employment likely got a holiday season boost, the numbers show steady performance, Anthony Nieves, CPSM, C.P.M., A.P.P., CFPM, Chair of the Institute for Supply Management® Services Business Survey Committee, told a conference call of reporters on Monday. “The consistency we’ve seen has been extremely strong,” he said.

供应管理协会(Institute for Supply Management®Services)商业调查委员会主席安东尼·尼维斯(Anthony Nieves)周一在记者电话会议上表示,尽管商业活动和就业可能在假日季节得到了提振,但数据显示出稳定的表现。

“我们看到的一致性非常强,”他说This year, the Services PMI® numbers have not been as eye-popping as in 2021, when the coronavirus pandemic recovery helped the composite index reach a record high five times. But Nieves believes that the 12-month average of 57.2 percent indicates a more normal — and, most importantly, sustainable — level of growth.


“The services sector is in a good place, and I expect to know when the Semiannual Economic Forecast comes out (on December 15),” Nieves said. “I would expect after the holiday season and into the first quarter of 2023, there will be some pullback, but this is sustainable. It’s hard to maintain growth when the PMI® number is in the 60s, but I think we can continue to see the current level.”


”United States ISM services index to 56.5 in November, from 54.4.美国11月ISM服务指数从54.4升至56.5Not bad, especially the business activity index to 64.7, from 55.7.。

不错,尤其是商业活动指数从55.7升至64.7Still consistent with weakening growth.仍与增长疲软保持一致— Daniel Lacalle (@dlacalle_IA) December 5, 2022。

-丹尼尔·拉卡尔(@dlacalle_IA)2022年12月5日In November, the Business Activity Index registered 64.7 percent, an increase of 9 percentage points compared to October, and the Employment Index returned to expansion territory at 51.5 percent.

11月份,商业活动指数为64.7%,比10月份上升了9个百分点,就业指数恢复到51.5%Nagging issues remain prices, lead times and inventories, where services companies are not getting as much relief as their manufacturing counterparts. The Prices Index remained elevated at 70 percent, and the Supplier Deliveries Index (53.8 percent) continued to indicate longer lead times. Those dynamics could be making buyers hesitant and complicating inventory management: The Inventories Index (47.9 percent) and Inventory Sentiment (44.2 percent) continued to suggest struggles in November.。


On Bloomberg TV on Monday, Nieves said that while the employment situation is encouraging, inflation is the most concerning dynamic. Noting the sector’s sizeable share of U.S. GDP, he said, “When we look at the variables that comprise (the likelihood of) a recessionary period, we still have strength in the employment numbers — we know that from not only this report, but the (federal) nonfarm jobs report that came out on Friday.


Nieves continued, “The variable we are looking at now is inflation. Prices are still very high, and the 0.7-percentage point decrease (in the Prices Index in November) was driven mostly by a reduction in fuel prices. Overall, we’re still seeing high commodity prices. Until those come down, inflation not going to fall any time soon.”


”With tapering inflation the Fed’s primary concern, Nieves added, investors’ interest-rate anxiety will likely continue, though the next increase could be smaller than previous hikes.

Nieves补充道,随着美联储主要关注的通胀率逐渐降低,投资者的利率焦虑可能会继续下去,尽管下一次加息可能会比之前的加息幅度小The Report On Business® roundup:商业报告®综述:。

Bloomberg: U.S. Services Gauge Rises Unexpectedly on Business Activity Surge. “ISM’s measure of services employment also improved while a gauge of new orders eased to the lowest since May. The slowdown in bookings may indicate that activity could ease in coming months as some Americans tighten their belts amid still-high inflation and rising borrowing costs. The prices-paid index edged down but remains elevated at 70 (percent), well above pre-pandemic levels and suggesting inflation may be slow to dissipate.”


物价指数略有下降,但仍保持在70(%),远高于大流行前的水平,表明通胀可能会缓慢消散”Right, so the empirical question is what is the better forecaster of recession? The services PMI is more volatile and noisier (red dots), while the non-man ISM is smoother (solid red) and tracks US GDP data better, so my money is on the ISM on this one... pic.twitter.com/1GFKhQ9oev


— Robin Brooks (@RobinBrooksIIF) December 5, 2022-罗宾·布鲁克斯(@Robin Brooks IIF)2022年12月5日Financial Times: Strong Business Activity Boosts U.S. Services Sector Growth. “Demand for services increased in November as business activity increased in all industries except for finance and insurance. Employment grew after contracting in October as staffing levels improved during the holiday season. Supply chain constraints are also improving and some survey respondents have noted that there are reduced production and transit times.”


”Mace News: Service Sector Growth Pace Picks Up on Holiday Season, New Fiscal Year Demand. “Nieves told reporters that the uptick in November was “not so surprising” and that the recent performance of the services sector is “consistent” with his forecast that the main index will rise or fall slightly or move sideways. He expects the index to be solid in December and slip back in January.”


”MarketWatch: The U.S. Economy is Still Growing, Report Finds, Even as Warning Signs Mount. “The huge service segment of the economy has held up better than the industrial side. Americans have shifted spending to services such as travel and recreation and away from buying goods like new cars and computers. Warning signs are evident, though. Companies have gotten more careful about hiring and investment, and consumers aren’t spending as much as they were earlier in the year.”


”The average of ISM Manufacturing + ISM Services increased slightly in November.11月ISM制造业+ISM服务业的平均值略有增长。

The economy continues to slow, has fallen below trend, but is not yet recessionary. pic.twitter.com/HReutZacRJ

经济继续放缓,已低于趋势,但尚未衰退pic.twitter.com/HReutZacRJ— Eric Basmajian (@EPBResearch) December 5, 2022-埃里克·巴斯马吉安(@EPB搜索)2022年12月5日。

Reuters: U.S. Service Sector Activity Picks up in November. “Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the (Services PMI®) slipping to 53.1 (percent). The acceleration in services industry activity confirms that spending is shifting away from goods and that the inflation baton has been handed over to services, indicating that overall price pressures in the economy could take a while to subside.”


”The Wall Street Journal: Services Come With a Smile, but the Economy Could Still Be Frowning. “The heady appetite for goods set off by the pandemic has begun to ease, and more Americans are re-engaging with services such as travel — in part because high goods inflation pushes the trade-off between spending money on goods and spending money on services in services’ direction. Moreover, U.S. manufacturers are far more exposed to the global economy than services businesses are, so the combination of weakness overseas and a strong dollar is hurting them more.”


此外,美国制造商比服务业更容易受到全球经济的影响,因此海外疲软和美元强势的组合对他们的伤害更大”In case you missed last week’s Report On Business® Roundup on the release of the November Manufacturing PMI®, you can read it here. The Hospital PMI® will be released on Wednesday. For the most up-to-date content on the three indexes under the ISM® Report On Business® umbrella, use #ISMPMI on Twitter.

如果您错过了上周发布的11月制造业PMI®商业报告(Report On Business®Roundup),您可以在这里阅读医院PMI®将于周三发布有关ISM®Report on Business®伞下三个指数的最新内容,请在Twitter上使用#ISMPMI。

About the Author关于作者Dan Zeiger is Senior Copy Editor/Writer for Inside Supply Management® magazine, covering topics, trends and issues relating to supply chain management.

Dan Zeiger是Inside Supply Management®杂志的高级文案编辑/撰稿人,涵盖与供应链管理相关的主题、趋势和问题。

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