
45baike 2024-04-21 14次阅读



奥斯丁的著名小说Sense and sensibility被翻译成《理智与情感》,按我们对中文的了解,说起理智,就让人想起理性、讲道理,而情感就是七情六欲这些。另外,还有一个词sentiment,跟它们共有一个词根sen,今天,我们就来好好捋一捋它们之间的差别。



Sense: 1.one of the five powers (also include the sixth sense)that your body uses to get information. 中文的意思是感觉官能;感官,人通过这些sensor去感知世界。顺便说一下,做感官讲时,sense 不同于feeling, 后者是指conscious subjective experience of emotion,特别注意一下这个emotion (情感、情绪,这不是人的官能,而是感受); 2. Feeling/understanding about sth. 中文的意思是感知力或感受力.E.g. a sense ofidentity/belong/humor/direction/timing (认同感;归宿感;幽默感;方向感;时间感); 3. A good understanding and judgment 良好的判断力和清醒的认识e.g. common sense(常识), talk sense(讲道理), make sense(有道理), make sense of sth(搞懂),反义词是nonsense; 4. A normal state of mind; the ability to think clearly 理智e.g. when she came to her sense(恢复理智), she decided to keep her mouth shut.

安全使用液化石油气 一是液化石油气灶具不能放在卧室、办公室、阳台或仓库、礼堂等公共场所内,以防漏气失火。


Sensibility: 1.the ability to experience and understand deep feelings, esp. in art and literature 中文意思是艺术感受力和鉴赏力;2. A person’s feelings, esp. when the person is easily offended or influenced by sth 中文意思是情感,在这层意思上,与feeling同义。

Sentiment: 可以翻译成伤感、多愁善感、带有情绪(一般指非理智的)的看法a general thought, feeling, or sense, esp. a tender feeling as apart from reason or judgment, sometimes of a weak or foolish kind. E.g. nationalist sentiment 民族主义的情绪

借助上面的区分,Sense and sensibility 中的sense 用到的是其第四个含义, sensibility用到的是其第二个含义。


标签: 理智  情感  文名 

